Open Call 2025

Following the great success of the Choreographic Platform 2023 in Vienna and St. Pölten, the next CPA will take place in Salzburg from November 20 to 23, 2025. We cordially invite all dance and performance artists working in Austria to apply with their current productions. A jury of five will select between 10 and 13 contributions from the submissions to be shown live as part of CPA 2025. Application deadline is September 30, 2024.

The jury consists of: Elisabeth Bernroitner (Curator Brunnenpassage & D—Arts Projektbüro für Diversität), Angela Glechner (Director SZENE Salzburg), Julia Sahlender (Editor Ö1), Elisabeth Schack (Co-Director Drama, Tiroler Landestheater), and Eike Wittrock (Professor of Dance Studies, MUK Vienna). The final selection will be made at the beginning of February 2025, with performances taking place between November 20 and 23, 2025, in Salzburg.

All details about the call can be found here:

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

  • “All ages” plays and plays for young audiences may be submitted.

  • There are no requirements regarding the length of the submitted plays.

  • Multiple pieces from the same person or group may be submitted. Please submit them separately.

  • Please note that only professional plays (not purely university productions) may be submitted, which were or will be produced, co-produced, and performed in Austria between January 2023 and December 2024.

For any inquiries, please contact: